Contact Lens - Buy Contact Lenses - Contact Lens Online Store NZ

Lensesonline: Discount Contact Lenses including Acuvue, Acuvue Oasys, as well as other major brands of contact lenses,contact lenses directly delivered to anywhere in New Zealand

Contact Lens - Buy Contact Lenses - Contact Lens Online Store NZ

Lensesonline: Discount Contact Lenses including Acuvue, Acuvue Oasys, as well as other major brands of contact lenses,contact lenses directly delivered to anywhere in New Zealand

Contact Lens - Buy Contact Lenses - Contact Lens Online Store NZ

Lensesonline: Discount Contact Lenses including Acuvue, Acuvue Oasys, as well as other major brands of contact lenses,contact lenses directly delivered to anywhere in New Zealand

Thursday 16 June 2016

Buying Contact Lens Online – Useful Tips

Contact lenses have become incredibly popular in the recent times, both as an equipment to correct vision and as a cosmetic accessory. Several vendors and stores provide contact lenses of various kinds with diverse price tags. Some people prefer buying them online, eyeing for money saving deals and good quality products. Here are a few tips for avid online shoppers of contact lens.

1.    Before placing your order, have your eye care provider’s prescription ready. Only a reliable and trustworthy firm would comply with the regulations and ask for prescription before selling their products to you.

2.    If you are very concerned about money, then online stores are the best spot for you to shop for contact lenses. Most reputable online stores offer a variety of contact lenses at the best price in the market and with quality that’s expected by customers. Irrespective of all that, a contact lens wearer must go for annual eye exams to make sure their eyes remain healthy.

3.    Do not fall for deals you find online. When you shop online, you’d come across several ads that promises free shopping and lowest price guarantees. Always ensure they offer real value and do not fall under the category of ‘scams’.

4.    Always be sure that you are dealing with an online retailer whom you can trust before passing on your credit card or payment information. Conduct background checks and see if the company is registered and authorised to render their services. It is worth spending time to see if the business meets minimum standards.

5.    Try contacting the company through telephone to determine their level of customer service. Their way of approaching customers explains their quality of service, thus letting us to make a decision on dealing with their service.

These tips would help you to better understand the true nature of online retailers. Do enough research, so that you could remain confident about making a safe and secure shopping for contact lenses.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Perks of Wearing Contact Lenses

Eye glasses or annoying to wear in rain or snow, fogs up easily with changes in temperature, are unnatural and serves as a distracting barrier between your eyes and the world. You might also have been really frustrated with those casual frames which may not suit evening attire. But wearing contact lenses provides you a more natural vision and there will be no annoying obstructions or reflections are in view. They usually don’t fog up won't collect precipitation and blur your vision. So, here is a list of few benefits of contact lenses over eye glasses.

All-round Vision

Contact lenses provide an improved and clear peripheral vision. This is ideal for sportspeople and motorists where perfect vision is needed. This allows them to feel natural rather than the slight distortion experienced when wearing glasses.

No Glare

While wearing glasses, there is a risk of glare while looking at a bright light or the sun. With contact lenses it’s easy for you to look at the brighter side of an object or sun.

Easy to Use

Even glasses are easy to use but they are popped on and off the face in an instant. They are also heavy or uncomfortable, especially when resting on the bridge of the nose. But contact lenses are quick and simple to use and are placed on the end of a finger and inserted onto the eye in a matter of seconds.

Suitable for all Weather Conditions

The major benefit of contact lenses is they do not steam up, collect rain or other deposits on the lenses due to the weather whereas eye glasses have a tendency to steam up when you go from a cold environment into a warm room.

You can find different varieties on contact lenses online at a cheaper price.

Friday 27 May 2016

Avoid the Hassle of Removing and Cleaning Contact Lenses with an Extended Wear Contact Lens

Removing contact lenses, cleaning them and again wearing it the very next day is frustrating and time consuming. Switching to extended wear contact lenses may be the
right option for you if you want to wake up every day with clear vision.

Extended wear contact lenses are the type of lenses that can be continuously worn for over six nights and seven days. They are made up of silicone hydrogel, which
allows more oxygen to pass through.

Extended wear contact lenses are suitable for people with highly active life style like Military personnel or outdoor enthusiasts. Since these lenses can be left in
your eyes for a long time, it does not require regular cleaning and maintenance. People with binocular vision abnormalities including amblyopia can also benefit from
extended wear lenses. It will be extremely helpful for people with high refractive errors since they can see clearly at all times, especially when waking up
unexpectedly at night.

Dusts can easily get accumulated on the extended wear contact lenses since you don't clean them every day. Follow these instructions to avoid these complications,

    Prohibit your presence in dusty rooms.

    Stay away from cigarette smoke.

    Keep off water and soap away from your eyes while showering and wear tight goggles when swimming.

    Never wear your contact lenses longer than your doctor recommends.

    After wearing the lenses pay attention to how your eyes feel and don’t ignore any unpleasant symptoms.

    Remember weekly disposable extended wear lenses should be thrown away once a week and 30 day wear lenses can only last a month, not a day longer.

Since you wear these contacts for a week or month and then discard, you save on cleaning and storing solution. Thereby, you can reduce huge expenses on contact lenses.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Interesting Facts You Ought to Know About Coloured Contact Lenses

Did you know Leonardo da Vinci was the first person who envisioned the concept of contact lenses in 1508? But only today, his vision has become a practical reality for millions of people around the world. In addition to contact lenses that are merely designed to correct vision safe, comfortable, vision-correcting or colour-altering contacts are now readily available for people of all ages, needs and budgets.

Coloured or decorative contact lenses are the type of lenses that doesn’t correct vision but they just change how your eyes look.  Do you want to have vampire eyes for Halloween? Or deep violet eyes to match your purple sweater? Coloured contact lenses are readily available to create an entirely new look or make a dramatic fashion statement.

Visibility Tints

Coloured contact lenses with visibility tints come in light colours and allow easier detection and handling of the contacts. They do not change the eye colour in any significant or noticeable manner.

Enhancement Colours

Enhancement contact lenses deepen light-coloured eyes creating brilliant blues, emerald greens and smoky greys. They create interesting and unique shades when layered over a different natural eye colour. These lenses are not suitable for people who already have dark-coloured eyes.


These contact lenses are said to totally change the colour of the eye and successfully cover any natural eye colour to produce a dramatic, new look.


These are the perfect choice for costume party or theatre performance. If you want to create an extraordinary fashion statement, wearing these lenses can add that finishing touch.

These coloured contact lenses in NZ are durable, long-wearing and disposable, and are cheaper to own and maintain.

Friday 13 May 2016

Minimize the Risk of Infection or Injury! Read on to Find the Safety Wearing Tips for Contact Lenses

It’s a mere fact that anyone can wear a contact lens whatever their age or lifestyle is. Some people wear it to correct their vision while others prefer it as a styling tool. It's true it takes a bit of practice to use contact lenses but it doesn't take long to get the hang of it. So, here is a compilation of few safety tips to handle contact lenses with care and avoid eye infections.

    Get your contact lenses in NZ prescribed by an expert eye specialist and have your lenses fitted by a qualified eye care professional.

    Wash your hands with water and soap before handling your contact lenses and dry with a lint-free towel.

    Always rub your eyes with a solution after taking out contact lenses from each eye.

    Don’t wear contact lenses overnight because when you close your eyes with your lenses in place, you’re reducing oxygen. And, when you are closing your eyes you have a lens being closed against the eye and this causes any germs on the lens are being slammed against the cornea.

    Avoid contact lenses in the shower or while swimming.

    Avoid reusing contact lenses because the disinfecting capability of the solution is gone. Use fresh solution every time you store your lenses in their case.

    Never use saliva as a wetting agent.

Follow these instructions to avoid any irritation or infection in your eyes but if any problem persists, remove your contact lenses immediately and consult your eye practitioner.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Change Your Eye Color with Colored Contact Lenses

Do you have dark eyes? Wanted blue or green eyes? No problem! Colored contact lenses are becoming the most popular option of millions of dark eyed individuals.

Color contact lenses will help you to improve your physical appearance entirely or simply will add a little touch, making your eyes that little bit more charming. These contact lenses come with and without having eyesight correction.

Your options are limitless when it comes to buying contact lenses online. Here are a few tips to get you started.

Find the Best Contact Lenses:

•    Schedule an appointment with your eye doctor. Even if you have perfect 20/20 vision, you will need to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to fill your contact lens prescription.

Pick your Contact Lens Color:
•    You can choose either an everyday color that mimics the look of a natural eye, or spice up your costume with patterned lenses.

•    Everyday lenses come in a variety of colors, including blue, green, hazel, brown, and purple.

•    Costume contact lenses come in all sorts of crazy colors and patterns like spirals, checkers, at-eyes, zebra, Xs, white-out, and even tie-dye!

Pick the Right Contact Lens Brand:
It is important to note that colored lenses come in three tints. Since you’re looking to change your eye color, you can buy Enhancement or Color tints. Enhancement tints will slightly alter the color of your eyes, while color tints will change the color entirely.

Everyone wants to look good and dashing but they don't want to spoil their looks just because of glasses. This is the right time to change your view and vision by using these contact lenses. Colored lenses are considered a trendy way to brighten up your look as well as your lifestyle.

Monday 6 October 2014

Safety Tips for Contact Lens Wearers – What You Need to Know

Zillions of people wear contact lenses as a convenient way to correct their vision. But all lens wearers must be alert about one thing, that’s safety. Whether you’re newbie to contact lenses, or you’ve been wearing them for years, taking care for your contact lenses is little bit daunting.

These tips can help you deal with everyday contact lens concerns:

Wash your hands before inserting or removing contacts

Wash your hands thoroughly with antimicrobial soap and dry before handling your contact lenses. Don’t use oil-based soaps/lotions before touching your lenses, as these can spoil your lenses or leave an oily film.

Don’t wear your contact lenses in the shower or while swimming

Wearing contact lenses while swimming, showering, or doing other water-related activities can lead to acanthamoeba infections of the eye.

Removing Your Contact Lenses

Always wash your hands before removing contact lenses. If you are standing in front of a sink or washing your face, use a clean paper towel to cover the drain where the contact lens might accidentally fall.

Always wear sunglasses, even with UV-protective contacts

Wearing UV-protective sunglasses will help reduce the strain and harm to your eyes and vision. Talk to your eye doctor to assess your exposure risk and recommend the right protection for you.

Eye Makeup and Contact Lenses

Keep your eyes closed while applying makeup. Then, brush off any excess powder before opening your eyes.

Taking care of your contact lenses means taking care of your eyes! For more information on contact lenses, have a consultation with your eye doctor prior to buying contact lenses online.